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Honduran Chess Federation

Fed. Nac. de Ajedrez de Honduras (1975) Zone 2.3c
Address: COMPLEJO OLIMPICO JOSE SIMON AZCONA H., Tegucigalpa, Honduras
 (504)235 80 04
 (504)239 39 25
Member, National Olympic Committee

   President & Delegate Mr. Augusto PINEDA
Address: ALDEA LA JOYA, BLOQUE No. 2, CASA 4604
 (504)228 45 19
 (504)990 57 80

   Secretary Mr. Mario Antonio DURON V.
Address: COL. ALEMAN, 3era. ETAPA, BLOQUE R, CASA 1902
 (504)245 33 46

   Vice – president Mr. Ricardo MEDINA VIANA

   Treasurer Mr. Marlon ARDON

   Rating Officer Mr. Carlos B. USTARIZ

   Press Officer Mr. Mario DURON


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