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Chess Federation of Paraguay

Federacion Paraguaya de Ajedrez (1939) Zone 2.5
Address: Gral. Bruguez No 973 casi Jose Asuncion Flores – Asuncion, Paraguay
 (595)21-202 582
 (595)21-202 582
Member, National Olympic Committee

  President Arq. Victor Manuel SALINAS
Address: Tte. Benigno Caceres N 462, between Sinforiano Buzo y Juan Pablo Gorostiaga – Asuncion
 (595)981 254620
Res: (595)21 682893

  Delegate Eng. Oscar FRANCO
Address: Bulnes No 483 esq. Bertoni – Asuncion
 (595)21-673 175
 (595)981-400 620
 (595)21-671 961

  Vice President Arq. Juan Carlos BUZO
 595 981 421921
Res: 595 21 660196

  General Secretary Eng. Julio Cesar INGOLOTTI
Address: Manzana Q – Lote 14 – Ciudad del Este
 595 983 691240
Res: 595 61 510799

  Treasurer Eng. Carlos Diogenes LATORRE
 595 981 257800


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