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Angolan Chess Federation

Federacao Angolana de Xadrez (1980) Zone 4.3
Address: Av. Comandante Che Guevara, No 14/16, C.P. 743, Luanda, Angola
 (244)2-322 712
 (244)2-322 712
Member, National Olympic Committee

   President & Delegate Mr. Aguinaldo JAIME
 (244)912-510 452

   General Secretary Mr. Alexandre Fernandes do NASCIMENTO
Address: Rua da Missao No 77, Luanda
 (244)912-633 067
 (244)923-370 980

   Rating Officer Mr. Luis Carlos Lopes de SILVA “Chirila”
 (244)2-323 833
 (244)912-245 242

   Press Officer Mr. Agostinho Adao DOMINGOS
 (244)923-511 124


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