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Archive for the 'Chess Rating Sites' Category

FIDE ratings from

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

“The FIDE Ratings are the work of all FIDE members. Further improvements are in the works and we thank all who help produce the FIDE Ratings, all the FIDE Commission chairmen and members who help draft the regulations and to all National Federations, Rating Officers and Arbiters.” FIDE ratings from

Chess Federation of Canada ratings site

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

The CFC website includes a Ratings Calculator, player lookup and Compare ratings – CFC vs FIDE rating equivalency benchmarks for players over 2200 and players under 2200. Chess Federation of Canada ratings site

Visit the USCF ratings page

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

This is the official page for ratings from the United States Chess Federation. Included on the page are individual player lookup, top player lists and a ratings estimator. Visit the USCF ratings page.

Chess Statistics from Chessmetrics

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

Hello, I’m Jeff Sonas and I’d like to welcome you to my new and improved Chessmetrics site. This website is devoted to statistics about chess. Since the summer of 1999, I have spent countless hours analyzing chess statistics, inventing formulas and other analysis techniques, and calculating historical ratings. This website allows you to explore chess […]

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