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Archive for the 'Tournaments' Category

History of winners at Wijk aan Zee

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

The chess tournaments at Wijk ann Zee date back to 1938 and have been sponsored by Hoogovens and most recently by Corus since the year 2000 following their takeover of Hoogovens. Tata has just taken over Corus so we’ll see what impact that has on the Corus chess tourney going forward. Below is a list of […]

Corus Tournament 2007 commences

Friday, January 12th, 2007

Today marked the beginning of the 2007 version of the world famous Corus Chess Festival hosted at Wijk aan Zee, Netherlads from January 12 to 28th. The tournament page noted below will provide you with updates on the tourney and all of the games in pgn format. See Corus Tournament 2007 to keep up with all the details of […]

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