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Chess Openings

The openings are the beginning moves of a chess game and there are an incredible number of openings and each opening has many possible variations.

The site is pleased to introduce you to many of these openings and we continue to add to this online collection.

There are more than 5,250 openings and variations and links are provided to these below.

 A Index: 250 Openings

B Index: 342 Openings

C Index: 243 Openings

D Index: 200 Openings

E Index: 301 Openings

F Index: 301 Openings

G Index: 301 Openings

H Index: 25 Openings

I Index: 42 Openings

J-K Index: 501 Openings

L Index: 123 Openings

M Index: 491 Openings

N Index: 342 Openings

O Index: 129 Openings

P Index: 129 Openings

Q Index: 602 Openings

R Index: 112 Openings

S Index: 837 Openings

T Index: 215 Openings

U Index: 18 Openings

V Index: 107 Openings

W-Z Index: 24 Openings


Some of the most popular openings are listed below along with a link to books organized based on the type of opening.

The Sicilian

The Ruy Lopez

The Italian Game

The Queen’s Gambit

The King’s Indian Attack

General list of openings  

Alphabetical Openings Listing

Accelerated Dragon – Anti-Caro



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