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Archive for the 'Federations' Category

Czech Republic Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Sachovy Svaz Ceske Republiky (1924) Zone 1.4 Address: Atleticka 100/2, 160 17 Prague 6, Czech Republic  (420)2-205 125 86  (420)2-572 109 81 Member, National Olympic Committee WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President Mr. Petr HEREJK  (420)608-964 972   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Bretislav MODR Address: Nadrazni 15, 150 00 Prague 5, […]

Cyprus Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Cyprus Chess Federation (1961) Zone 1.5a Address: Pasydy Building, Georgiou Kanigos Street, 3035 Limassol, Cyprus  (357)2-520 30 02  (357)2-520 30 09 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–     President & Delegate Mr. Marios SCHINIS Address: Damagitou 10, 3081 Limassol  (357)2-533 11 57  (357)2-520 30 09   ——————————————————————————–      General Secretary Dr. […]

Cuban Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Fed. Cubana de Ajedrez (1939) Zone 2.3a Address: Calle 21 No. 855 entre 4 y 6, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba  (537)832 60 82/833 96 54  (537)333 459/335 310;;   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate GM Silvino GARCIA MARTINEZ Address: General Lee, 108E/Rabi y Herdia, Santos Suarez, Habana Res: (537)403 […]

Croatian Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Hrvatski Sahovski Savez (1992) Zone 1.2b Address: Trg Kresimira Cosica 11, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia  (385)1-3012 352  (385)1-3012 352 WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President Mr. Stjepan STURLAN Address: Ogrizoviceva 44, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia  (385)1-6307 452  (385)98-224 400  (385)1-6155 910   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Branimir JUKIC Address: Kneza Borne […]

Ivory Coast Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Fed. Ivoirienne d`Echecs et de Bridge (2000) Zone 3.2 Address: 863 Cedex 01 PB Abidjan 06 Cote d`Ivoire  (225)07-976 385  (225)22-444 100 ——————————————————————————–     President Mr. Lucien KABO  (225)21-587 142  (225)07-976 385   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Hugues KOUAME K.  (225)22-443 802/07-625 527   ——————————————————————————–

Costa Rican Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Federacion Central de Ajedrez Address: P.O. Box 2215-2050 San Pedro, Costa Rica; Addr: San Rafael de Montes de Oca, 175 sur del Hogar Calazans  (506) 350-5256  (506) 289-6208; WWW:   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Rafael MORA  (506)350 52 56   ——————————————————————————–     Delegate Mr. Jorge VEGA Address: Zempoala 415 […]

Columbian Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Fed. Colombiana de Ajedrez (1950) Zone 2.3b Address: Calle 28 # 25-18, Bogota, Colombia  (57)1-340 41 19  (57)1-340 41 19 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–     President Dr. Oswaldo CEBALLOS BURBANO Address: Calle 84 # 18-38, Of. 204, Bogota, Colombia  (57)1-623 33 46  (57)315-366 32 62 Res: (57)1-616 20 75  (57)1-623 33 […]

Chinese Taipei Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Chinese Taipei Chess Association (2004) Zone 3.3 Address: No. 14-1, Yong Hwa Street, Taipei Hsien, Taipei County Taiwan  (886)2-291 428 49  (886)2-291 775 41   ——————————————————————————–     Chairman Mr. Ko-Fei LIU   ——————————————————————————–      General Secretary Ms. Chie KUO   ——————————————————————————–

Chinese Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

PROC Chess Association (1975) Zone 3.5 Address: No 80, Tian Tan Dong Road, Beijing, China 100061  (86)10-6710 2301/6358 5015  (86)10-6710 1522 Member, National Olympic Committee;   ——————————————————————————–     President Mr. CHEN Zude   ——————————————————————————–     General Secretary Mr. YE Jiangchuan   ——————————————————————————–     Delegate Mrs. TIAN Hongwei (Abigail TIAN)  (86)1391 […]

Chilean Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Federacion Deportiva Nacional De Ajedrez, “Fedachi” (1939) Zone 2.5 Address: Calle Copiapo 702, Santiago de Chile, Chile  (56)2-672 88 86  (56)2-698 72 84/698 06 37/222 53 13   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Luis Perz Concha   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Claudio TOSSI DUHAMEL   ——————————————————————————–

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