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Archive for the 'Federations' Category

Qatar Chess Association

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Qatar Chess Association (1985) Zone 3.1 Address: P.O. Box 22012, Doha, Qatar  (974)4-944 292/944 288  (974)4-944 286 WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President & Delegate Mr. Khalifa Mohammed AL-HITMI  (974)4-944 292/944 288  (974)4-944 286   ——————————————————————————–

Puerto Rican Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Fed. de Ajedrez de Puerto Rico (1938) Zone 2.3a Address: Apartado Postal 3182, San Juan, PR 00904, Puerto Rico  (1)787-982 32 14  (1)787-982 32 14   ——————————————————————————–      President Lic. F. Ariel AVILES Address: Guajataca 139 Crown Hills Rio Piedras, PR 00926  (1)787-764 14 30   ——————————————————————————–      Vice-President Lic. Manuel […]

Portuguese Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Federacao Portuguesa de Xadrez (1927) Zone 1.1c Address: Rua Frei Francisco Foreiro, 2 – 4 Esquerdo 1150-166 Lisboa Portugal  (+ 351) 213 579 144  (+ 351) 213 579 144 Member, National Olympic Committee WWW:   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate Mr. Joaquim Durao Address: Urb.Alto do Lumiar Parque Conchas – bloco 6 […]

Polish Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Polski Zwiazek Szachowy (1926) Zone 1.4 Address: ul. Czerniakowska 126a, PL-00-454 Warsaw, Poland  (48)22-841 41 92  (48)22-841 94 60 Member, National Olympic Committee WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President Mr. Janusz WODA Address: ul. Lesmiana 10G, 62-031 Lubon, Poland  (48)605-692 492 Res: +Fax: (48)61-813 91 89   ——————————————————————————–     Delegate Mr. […]

Chess Federation of the Phillipines

Monday, February 12th, 2007

National Chess Federation of the Philippines (1956) Zone 3.3 Address: c/o Philippine Sports Commission, RMSC, Pablo Ocampo St., Malate, Manila 1004  c/o Secretary General (63)46-413 1295, 413 1220  (63)46-860 0593 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–     President: Hon. Prospero Pichay  Tel/Fax: (63)2-9518948   ——————————————————————————–     Secretary General: Mayor Abraham Tolentino Address: […]

Peruvian Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Federacion Peruana de Ajedrez (1941) Zone 2.4 Address: Estadio Nacional, Puerta 4, 2 piso, A.P. 10063, Lima, Peru  (51)14-333 028   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Henry URDAY   ——————————————————————————–      Treasurer Mr. Abdon ZAPATA Vargas   ——————————————————————————–      Vice President Mr. Romeo RODRIGUEZ Castillo   ——————————————————————————–

Chess Federation of Paraguay

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Federacion Paraguaya de Ajedrez (1939) Zone 2.5 Address: Gral. Bruguez No 973 casi Jose Asuncion Flores – Asuncion, Paraguay  (595)21-202 582  (595)21-202 582 Member, National Olympic Committee WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President Arq. Victor Manuel SALINAS Address: Tte. Benigno Caceres N 462, between Sinforiano Buzo y Juan Pablo Gorostiaga – Asuncion  (595)981 […]

Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Papua New Guinea Chess Federation (1976) Zone 3.6 Address: c/o Mr. Stuart Fancy, P.O. Box 4610 Boroko, NCD, Papua New Guinea     ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Stuart FANCY   ——————————————————————————–      Secretary Mr. Shaun PRESS   ——————————————————————————–

Panama Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Fed. de Ajedrez de Panama (1966) Zone 2.3c Address: P.O. 1626, Zona 7, Republica de Panama  (507)2-242 893/Mobile: (507)6-136 816  (507)2-242 893   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Juan Rivera De Leon   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Alhan CARRERA   ——————————————————————————–

Palestine Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Palestine Chess Federation (1982) Zone 3.1 Address: Jerusalem B.O Box 51376 through Ziad Al-Masri (Al-Quds Club)  +970 2 2221890  +970 2 2250690   ——————————————————————————–     President & Delegate Mr. Abdul Rahman Abu Arafeh Address: Jerusalem B.O Box 51376 through Ziad Al-Masri (Al-Quds Club)  +970 2 2221890  +970 599 792 776  +970 2 2250690, […]

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