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Archive for the 'Federations' Category

Malaysia Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Persekutuan Catur Malaysia (1960) Zone 3.3 Address: c/o: Abd Hamid Majid 2-27, 2nd Floor, Wilayah Complex 2, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  (60)3-402 195 76  (60)3-402 443 37   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Dato Mohd Rosli Abdul AZIZ   ——————————————————————————–     Delegate Mr. Abd Hamid MAJID Address: 5110 Medan Intan […]

Malawi Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Chess Association of Malawi (1985) Zone 4.3 Address: P/B 346, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi  (265)9-951 590  (265)1-254 084 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate Mr. Kezzie K.T. MSUKWA Address: P.O. Box 226, Kasungu, Malawi  (265)1-254 045  (265)9-951 590  (265)1-254 084   ——————————————————————————–      General Secretary Mr. […]

Madagascar Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Fed. Malgache du Jeu d`Echecs (1991) Zone 4.3 Address: B.P. 6025 Antananarivo 101, 40bis, Rt. Circular Ampandrana, Ouest, Madagascar  (261)20-226 72 08  (261)20-226 63 43   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate Mr. Mamisoa RAZAFINDRAKOTO  (261)20-226 63 43  (261)33-110 02 70 Res: (261)20-2228840  (261)20-226 63 43   ——————————————————————————–      Rating Officer Mr. […]

Macau Chess Federation

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Grupo de Xadrez de Macau (1994) Zone 3.3 Address: Rua de Nagasaki, No. 80, Edf. Golden Peak, 11 andar, F, Macau  (853)700 489/700 490  (853)700 491 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate Mr. Jose SILVEIRINHA  (853)844 661  (853)685 99 33   ——————————————————————————–      Secretary Mr. Buddy SALVADOR  (853)688 […]

Chess Federation of Luxembourg

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Federation Luxembourgeoise des Echecs (1946) Zone 1.1b Address: 7, rue de la Vallee, L-3591 Dudelange, Luxembourg  (352)511 749  (352)511 749 Member, National Olympic Committee   ——————————————————————————–     President & Delegate Mr. Ady CHRISTOFFEL Address: 7, rue de la Vallee, L-3591 Dudelange, Luxembourg Res: (352)511 749  (352)511 749   ——————————————————————————–      General […]

Lituanian Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Lietuvos Sachmatu Federacija (1930/1991) Zone 1.7 Address: P.O.Box 18, LT-01002 Vilnius, Lithuania  (370)5-274 70 17  (370)5-274 70 17 WWW:   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Gediminas PAVIRZIS  (370)5-211 28 81  (370)687 326 34  (370)5-274 70 17   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Marijonas ROCIUS  (370)6990 55 45   ——————————————————————————–      […]

Chess Federation of Liechtenstein

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Liechtensteiner Schachverband (1985) Zone 1.2a Address: Postfach 222, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein  (41)75-232 49 40  (41)75-232 29 86 WWW:   ——————————————————————————–      President & Delegate Mr. Kurt STUDER Address: Furst F.J. – Str. 6, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Res: (41)75-232 49 40  (41)75-232 29 86   ——————————————————————————–

Libyan Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

General Libyan Chess Federation (1977) Zone 4.1 Address: P.O. Box 879, Tripoli 3993, Libya  (218)21-478 04 81/478 04 82/478 04 83  (218)21-333 91 50/478 05 10   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Abdulla I. SUWAYAH  (218)21-355 78 Res: (218)21-608 716   ——————————————————————————–      Vice-President Mr. Abdalla Khaled ELNAMI   ——————————————————————————–     Delegate […]

Lebanese Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Federation Libanaise des Echecs (1957) Zone 3.1 Address: P.O. Box 14-5314, Beirut, Lebanon  (961)1-360 191  (961)1-818 402 WWW:   ——————————————————————————–     President & Delegate Dr. Ammar EL HOURY  (961)3-966 864 Res: (961)1-818 293  (961)1-818 402   ——————————————————————————–      Rating Officer Mr. Samir SORSOC   ——————————————————————————–

Latvian Chess Federation

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Latvijas Saha Savieniba (1927/1991) Zone 1.7 Address: Audeju iela 7, LV-1050, Riga, Latvia  (371)9-588 755/7-212 188  (371)7-224 487   ——————————————————————————–      President Mr. Olegs LUKINS   ——————————————————————————–      Delegate Mr. Alberts CIMINS  (371)9-588 755/7-212 188   ——————————————————————————–      Executive director Mr. Elmars Berkis  (371)9-568845 /7-212 188   ——————————————————————————–

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